Extract Yourself 

When you’re the best version of yourself, who are you? 

Where are you when you are the best version of yourself? 

Sometimes the best way to move forward is to get out of the place/situation/relationship you're in.  You may find yourself needing to get away from it all — the people, the place, the circumstance you find yourself in. I call this an extraction. 

Make a list of your friends. Circle the ones you enjoy spending time with. Cross-out those you do not. Cross out those who do not bring out the best in you, along with those who do not make you a better person. Choose to associate only with those who bring out the best in you. Leave space at the bottom to add new ones. Make a list and do the same with professionals in your occupation. 

If you’re careful to associate only with those who offer you positive and helpful criticism, you will have a circle of people from which you can seek clear and helpful advice. They will be friends and colleagues you can trust, those who want to see you succeed.

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